Since it was established in 2015 by prof. Ahmed Alkhani, as a daughter society under WSSFN, Middle Eastern Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery has held 3 international conferences 1st in Dubai 2016, 2nd in Cairo 2018 and the 3rd in Riyadh 2022. During these meetings, MSSFN gathered tens and hundreds of neurosurgeons not only form the Middle East region, but also from all over the world. This is coping with MSSFN mission in establishing the training and educational courses and programs and encouraging young neurosurgeons who are interested in stereotactic and functional neurosurgery to join this elegant subspeciality of neurosurgery.

The 4th Conference of MSSFN will present unpreceded opportunity by including the 3rd Deep Brain Stimulation Cadaver Course, which is designed and directed by Prof. Atilla Yilamz, the vice president of MSSFN. Conference will be held in Istanbul-Turkey from May 25th to 28th , 2025. Through a well-structured and designated scientific program, in addition to the post-congress cadaver course, the 4th MSSFN conference will have a strong position in the agenda of neurosurgical meetings. The MSSFN board, in concordance to MSSFN mission and vision, offers a special funded scholarships for young neurosurgeons from all over the world to attend the course and conference. Wish to meet all colleagues and friends, learning and socializing together in the marvelous atmosphere and site seeing of Istanbul.

Prof. Walid Abdel Ghany

President of MSSFN